Consumer Industry

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The Consumer Industry is a direct upgrade to the vanilla Light Industry and is unlocked by completing the Consumer Goods Production technology. It otherwise functions as a more efficient version of the prior industry, being able to produce both Domestic Goods and Luxury Goods. If the player has a Free Port, it will also produce Recreational Drugs while demanding both Organics and Heavy Machinery.

It can be further refined by using either a Story Point and/or AI Cores. Additionally, it can accept the Biofactory Embryo special item.

  • Story Point: Increases Industry Production by (+1) Domestic Goods/Luxury Goods. If the colony is a Free Port, it will also affect any Recreational Drugs.
  • Gamma Core: Reduces Demand by (-1) Heavy Machinery/Organics.
  • Beta Core: Reduces Demand by (-1) Heavy Machinery/Organics and reduces Upkeep by 25%.
  • Alpha Core: Increases Industry Production by (+1) Domestic Goods/Luxury Goods. If the colony is a Free Port, it will also affect any Recreational Drugs. Reduces Demand by (-1) Heavy Machinery/Organics and reduces Upkeep by 25%.
  • Biofactory Embryo: Increases Industry Production by (+2) Domestic Goods/Luxury Goods. If the colony is a Free Port, it will also affect any Recreational Drugs.
Name Graphic Cost / Time Base Upkeep Production Demands Notes Special Items
Consumer Industry 500,000¢ / 120 Days Colony Size * 5,000¢ Domestic Goods (Size + 2)

Luxury Goods (Size)

Recreational Drugs If a Free Port (Size)

Organics (Size + 2)

Heavy Machinery (Size)

Tier III Light Industry Biofactory Embryo