Installing Mods, Setting up VoK

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This guide assumes you understand the basic necessity in modifying Starsector and will skip over how to modify the resource allocation to the game itself, as well as how to download and install various mods. Instead, we will focus in here on how to specifically increase the enjoyment of the Ashes of the Domain mod pack, specifically Vaults of Knowledge.

Step One: Increasing Industry Limits (Windows OS)

Due to the fact that Ashes of the Domain is a complete overhaul to the industry progression, it is strongly recommended that the player manually set their base industry limits to higher values to avoid frustration in comparison to the base game. To achieve this, we will need to first navigate to the respective folder which can be found in the following data pathway:

{C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector\starsector-core\data\config\settings.json}

Note that the install location will be on the respective drive that you installed the base game, so modify C to the correct drive if necessary. Make a duplicate of this file and call it settingscopy.json or whatever is clear to you to denote it is your backup of the original file in case you need to revert back to the base game version.

Using any application which can modify json file types (Notepad, Notepad++) we will navigate to around Line 262 (your actual line might be different if you have previously modified the settings.json file) and search for "maxIndustries". Provided you are not using a mod which already adjusts this value, such as with Astral Ascension, you can adjust the value by Colony Size up or down to your preference.

The format for reading this is done in Size 1-10 separated by commas. You can copy and paste the respective values below to replace this line based on your general preferences:

  • Close to Vanilla balance: "maxIndustries":[4,4,4,4,6,6,8,8,10,12],
  • I have a lot of Industry mods installed: "maxIndustries":[8,8,8,8,12,12,16,16,20,24],
  • I have a lot of Industry mods installed and I don't care about balance: "maxIndustries":[36,36,36,36,36,36,36,36,36,36],

Afterwards, save the file. There are some secondary adjustments you can perform such as affecting upkeep, industry size penalty, and cost multipliers but these should mostly be left untouched.

Ultimately, you can always adjust this value after the fact, even in an existing playthrough without issue to reach the sweet spot that is ideal for your own playthrough. In most cases, a player using just the bare minimum number of mods for Ashes of the Domain should fall somewhere in between points one and two while those who use several mods which all add various industries such as Yunru, Industrial Evolution, etc. will fall somewhere into the last two categories. If you have Astral Ascension installed, you will need to manually adjust the respective mod file to account for increased industry limits.

Step Two: Secondary Mods for VoK functionality

Assuming you have the full Ashes package installed, these three mods are necessary to get all current content: PMMM, TASC, and UAF. All of these mods are optional, but if they are detected, will receive their additional content.

PMMM provides additional Special Projects through the new production center and at current, is the only repeatable Special Project.

TASC has a secondary tech tree in order to build its various terraforming structures and eventually stations. In order to build stations after the respective technology is researched, you must manually add it to your in game hotbar (recommended to add it to the second tab of the hotbar).

UAF introduces the Bakery and several associated events through VoS as well as three non-repeatable Special Projects.