Orbital Skunkworks Facility

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The Orbital Skunkworks Facility or (OSF) is the lesser counterpart to the Orbital Fleetwork Facility (OFF) which focuses more on advanced research projects rather than the mass production of supplies. It serves as the second of the Tier IV Heavy Industries and has the same costs but a higher upkeep to its counterpart. Unlike all previous Heavy Industries, the OSF requires a Size VI Colony before it can be built, making it one of the hardest to achieve before the mid game.

This industry receives a special modification solely to its production of Advanced Components at Size IX equivalent to (+1).

Unlocking this structure requires the player to first complete the Orbital Fleetwork Facilities technology. Like the previous chain of Heavy Industry, it can be further refined by using either a Story Point and/or AI Cores as well as any of the Nanoforge special items.

  • Story Point: Increases Industry Production by (+1) Advanced Components/Heavy Armaments/Heavy Machinery/Ship Components/Ship Hulls & Weapons/Supplies.
  • Gamma Core: Reduces Demand by (-1) Metals/Purified Transplutonics/Ship Components.
  • Beta Core: Reduces Demand by (-1) Metals/Purified Transplutonics/Ship Components and reduces Upkeep by 25%.
  • Alpha Core: Increases Industry Production by (+1) Advanced Components/Heavy Armaments/Heavy Machinery/Ship Components/Ship Hulls & Weapons/Supplies. Reduces Demand by (-1) Metals/Purified Transplutonics/Ship Components and reduces Upkeep by 25%.
  • Various Nanoforges: Consult the individual Nanoforge as there are several mods which introduce different variants.
Name Graphic Cost / Time Base Upkeep Production Demands Notes Special Items
Orbital Skunkworks Facility 1,000,000¢ / 200 Days Colony Size * 12,500¢ Heavy Armaments (Size + 6)

Ship Hulls & Weapons(Size + 6)

Heavy Machinery (Size + 4)

Supplies (Size + 4)

Advanced Components (Size + 1)

Ship Components 4

Metals (Size + 2)

Purified Transplutonics (Size + 1)

Ship Components (Size)

Tier IV Heavy Industry

Adds from 1 to 3 S-Mods to all ships, that belong to faction's patrol fleets.

Any Nanoforge