Solvernia (UAF)

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Hailing from the United Aurora Federation, the Solvernia is a unique super ship which can only be constructed via the Special Projects menu. Like most of the Special Projects, this is a one time production preventing the player from having more than one in most cases.


Solvernia, the once-proud vanguard of the November fleet, and a symbol of Auroran might and engineering. She stood as a stalwart defender of the United Aurora Federation, putting up fearsome resistance, her all-powerful railguns tearing ships in two, her armor withstanding an unholy amount of punishment. And yet she was brought low all the same. This massive wreck is all that remains. However, your engineers are confident in the research you have done into the Domain of Man. They believe that with your knowledge, the Solvernia can be returned to her rightful glory. They only require the material and enormous industrial capabilities...


The player must first defeat the Royal Auroran Defence Fleet orbiting their homeworld of New Aurora and destroy the Solvernia.


Upon meeting the preliminary requirement, the player must complete a six stage production project as outlined below:

  1. Pay a preliminary fee of 15,000,000¢.
  2. Stage 1 takes 100 days and requires the player to have a Production Capacity of 250 Ship Hulls.
  3. Stage 2 takes 25 days and requires the player to have a Production Capacity of 100 Ship Hulls and 120 Advanced Components.
  4. Stage 3 takes 25 days and requires the player to have a Production Capacity of 300 Ship Hulls.
  5. Stage 4 takes 25 days and requires the player to have a Production Capacity of 100 Ship Hulls.
  6. Stage 5 takes 100 days and requires the player to have a Production Capacity of 200 Ship Hulls.
  7. Stage 6 takes 200 days and requires the player to have a Production Capacity of 250 Ship Hulls.